Penis curvature is normal among most men, it is thought to be a part of standard variation. If you look at your fingers, you'll probably notice that not all 10 of them are straight, either. It's just normal deviation, just as it is normal for women's breasts to appear in all possible shapes and sizes or for women's vaginas to come in lots of different shapes, sizes and colors. Normal penises can be erect at anything from about 40 degrees. However, there are lucky persons that can touch their bellies by the top of their penises. Sometimes, penises will be erect in slightly different ways at different times, or at different stages in a man's life. Penis curvature normally develops simply from the organ's internal structures growing to unequal size, a condition that's quite common since every penis is built a little differently. A woman's vagina is highly flexible, so it's not likely that some degree of curvature in a penis will have any an...
Penis extender (also called penis stretcher or penis traction device) is the natural, efficient and the most preferred option to enlarge penis. It helps in enhancing the penis size by stretching the tissue surrounding it and helps the tissue to replicate new cells within it. The length of the device is adjusted by turning on a few screws.